They seem to be only some errors relating to Python (I previously ran a python program in a different folder than the one with my LaTeX documents). The PDF-file in the directory is correctly created and updated. message: latexmk: The script engine could not be found. Cleaning auxillary files and retrying build after toolchain error. Latexmk: Data: scriptEngine="perl.exe", scriptName="latexmk" Recipe step 1: latexmk, -max-print-line=10000,-synctex=1,-interaction=nonstopmode,-file-line-error,-pdf,-outdir=./build,c:/Users/d91776/Dropbox/CFA/_CFA Build root file c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex Building root file: c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex changed. File watcher: responding to change in c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex Root file remains unchanged from: c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex. Adding c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex to file watcher. Parsing c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex Instantiating a new file watcher for c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex Root file changed from: undefined to c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex. Found root file from active editor: c:\Users\d91776\Dropbox\CFA\_CFA.tex Creating LaTeX Workshop http and websocket server. Update: Output from LaTeX Workshop: Initializing LaTeX Workshop. How can preview the PDF file in VS Code? Is there another extension that should be used? I am not sure if LaTeX Workshop is supposed to bring its own PDF viewer, but at least for me, it is not working. When I disable the preview plugin, ctrl + shift + b compiles, but ctrl + alt + v does not. It also suggests that the feature is no longer existing due to a software change. tex file, which I followed, but to no avail. I searched online, and found here that I should open the complete folder and not the. Upon choosing "view PDF file", the message ( Update: it is working, but does not update if the file is compiled again.) However, the preview of the PDF is not working. I followed the instructions, and am indeed able to compile a LaTeX document in VS Code, with the PDF output as expected in the same folder. In this question, the setup of LaTeX in VS Code is explained in one of the answers.